
December 06, 2017 - December 09, 2017

97 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236

Wed. & Thur. Dec. 6 & 7
Seatings: 6:00pm & 8:30pm No Cover
Reservations Recommended

Fri. & Sat. Dec. 8 & 9
Seatings: 6:00pm & 8:30pm $15 Cover
Reservations Recommended

Conguero and composer Alberto Nacif brings together a group of superlative musicians to perform his original music. The first recording Elemental was released in 2013, and was soon on the national radio charts, where it remained for 4 months, and was reviewed in the Summer issue of Jazzis magazine. Now Alberto has again recorded more original music and with fellow percussionist Pepe Espinosa invited special guest artists on his second recording titled œInvisible, released on May of 2015. The guest artists include master trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ( Ray Charles), Grammy winner bassist Robert Hurst (Paul McCartney, Sting), and Cuban singer Alberto Alberto (Maraca).

These tasteful musicians interpretation of this original music is evocative and sensuous, and true to its Cuban roots. Aguanko has received local and national attention, and their live concerts have dazzled capacity crowds at the multiple venues where they have performed.